We had the oppportunuty to discuss with Ms. Tade, a social worker from the Lagos Teaching Hospital (LUTH) who has been the liason personnel for our collaboration with the Movement Disorder Clinic in the hospital. She gave us a remarkeable progress report about our collaboration. Find out more here:
When did the Foundation begin its collaboration with the hospital and how has it been so far?
Tade: The foundation started donating to the Movement Disorder Clinic of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital in 2018 and has donate well over Two Million Naira since the said date.
How do you manage the donation?
Tade: We purchase medications from the hopsital’s pharmacy or other reputable pharmacies for patients who find it difficult to afford them.
How do you distribute them?
Tade: We buy the medications in large quantities and give them to the clinicians in the Movement Disorder Clinic. They are prescribed and given to the identified indigent patients.
Are these medications strictly for Movement Disorder Patients?
Tade: Yes, they are, specifically Parkinson’s Disease Patients, because we are yet to have a case of Multiple System Atrophy. We also, occasionally assist indigent stroke patients with theirs.
You mentioned not having a case of Multiple System Atrophy Patients yet. What happens when a case arises?
Tade: We have been meticulous with our expenses which has left us with a substantial amount of funds to support MSA patients.
Can you share the names of the medications you have spoken about?
Tade: Amantadine, Sinemet, Pramipexole are medications that are often prescribed for the patients
Thank you so much for your time
Thank you too for your time and donation to Parkinson’s and Movement disorder clinic.